The voice of Businesses in Burnham since 1963

Join the Chamber

There’s loads of fantastic reasons to join the Chamber including ….

You can choose between full and associate membership.



Open to all businesses with a physical presence in Burnham-on-Sea that is open to the general public. *

Open to all businesses and individuals with a business interest in Burnham-on-Sea & surrounding areas. **

Includes businesses with a physical presence as well as contractors and home based businesses.

  • Regular Email Newsletter.
  • Named in Chamber Directory.
  • Admission to Chamber business events (charges may apply).
  • Ability to discuss issues for your business with Chamber and for Chamber to lobby member causes on their behalf.
  • Ability to offer member-to-member offers.
  • Ability to join in with Chamber led competitions. *
  • Right to attend Chamber AGM.
  • Regular Email Newsletter.
  • Full listing in the Chamber directory including custom description and link.
  • Discounted or free admission to business events.
  • Ability to discuss issues for your business with Chamber and for Chamber to lobby members causes on their behalf.
  • Ability to join in with Chamber led competitions.
  • Right to attend & vote at Chamber AGM.
  • Mention once per year in Chamber newsletter email with description of your business when you renew.
  • Reduced prices for shoppers guide entry.
  • Reduced or discounted stall fees at Chamber led events.
  • Additional full-member only social events.
  • Use of the Chamber member logo.

£45 per year

* At the discretion of the committee
** As set out by section 4 of our constitution